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Emerging Arts Professionals

Fostering and supporting the next generation of arts professionals is an important part of everything that we do at TPA.

Each semester, TPA employs 100 students in different areas across the organization to provide the opportunity to work alongside staff while learning various aspects of the field. Offering a more immersive experience for recent graduates, TPA’s Emerging Arts Professionals Program is a special track for future arts leaders to gain valuable real-world experience through early career employment, development, and mentorship. 

25/26 Emerging Arts Professional Positions

Emerging Arts Professional positions for the 25/26 year are now open. Participants are encouraged to apply for any of the available positions that are relevant to their experiences and interests. Each position will have its own application.

Meet the 2024/25 Emerging Arts Professionals

Ava Tran – Education & Engagement
Bridgette Clifford – Fabrication Studios
Daniel Geld – Fabrication Studios

Texas Performing Arts’ participation in the Emerging Arts Professional Program is made possible by generous gifts from

Pilar and Jaime Davila
Kandace and Dennis Eakin
Julia Marsden
Susan & Robert Morse