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Tip on a Dead Jockey

Tip on a Dead Jockey

Tip on a Dead Jockey

Tip on a Dead Jockey (MGM 1957), exterior panorama of a rooftop in Madrid in the 1950s

18'9" x 12'-0"
Hans Peters, Production Designer
William A. Horning, Art Director
George Gibson, Scenic Art Supervisor
Scenic Art attributed to: Leo Atkinson, Harry Tepker, Ben Carré, Wayne Hill, Clark Provins, Bob Oberbeck

This exterior panorama off a rooftop in Madrid was painted by MGM's Scenic Art Department for the 1953 thriller Tip on a Dead Jockey,  featuring the sky work of MGM's "sky man" Leo Atkinson.  Atkinson's skill at rendering beautiful skies attributed the polish, romance, and sophisticated look of MGM's films. Note the sky's subtle color and value transitions that repeat in the city's core colors, shadows, and reflected light.  

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